
Light & Life - The Gospel According to John

John was one of the twelve disciples. In fact, he was one of the three closest disciples to Jesus during His earthly ministry. As we navigate through John, read this through the lens of an eyewitness account of the ministry of Jesus Christ. The thesis for his writing is in the 20th chapter, verse 31: “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” clearly showing John’s desire to show that Jesus came as a man, but is undoubtedly the Christ, the Son of God. John makes the case that Jesus’ purpose has always been to be Light and Life for mankind, and in turn, our response should be to be the light and life that is displayed in the ministry of Jesus.

Latest Media - October 20, 2024

The Son of God


What does it look like for us to truly find rest? In a world that is constantly on the go, God offers us a way to rest that is greater than any rest we could find on our own. Join us for this series as we examine the discipline of sabbath, the act of worshipping called the sabbath, and the command of the sabbath.

Latest Media - August 18, 2024

Sabbath: Command

Ecclesiastes: Finding My Purpose

Finding your purpose in life can be daunting and usually tiresome. There's little we can do to find completeness in. The writer of Ecclesiastes would argue that we don't feel complete in anything of this world apart from fulfilling our purpose in Christ first. Join us on this 10 week journey as we examine what it means to find a purpose for your life that will last.

Latest Media - July 21, 2024

Your Purpose, His Plan


Gracious Generosity

No matter our situation, God has graciously been generous to us in what He has provided for our needs. He didn't express this gracious generosity just for us to experience it though. We are to be graciously generous to others as He has been to us. Join us for this 3 week series on what it means to be graciously generous in all that we have.

Latest Media - May 5, 2024

Taking Hold of True Life

All Roads Lead to...

The Book of Romans provides great insight into what we should believe as Christians and how we should live these beliefs out. As we examine this letter Paul wrote to the churches in Rome, the prayer is that we would be encouraged to examine what we believe and how we can better display God's perfect plan of salvation to the world.

Latest Media - March 10, 2024

With One Voice

Advent 2023: Celebrate the Greatest Gift

This Christmas season, join us as we celebrate the greatest gift ever given to mankind as we remember the hope, peace, joy, and love of Jesus Christ coming to earth to be the Savior of the world.

Latest Media - December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service


In All Things, Give Thanks

There are many things that keep us from being thankful for what we've been given. However, God has given us so many more reasons to be thankful. We just have to figure out how to find that thankfulness in every season and situation. This series allows us to break down what keeps us from giving thanks in all things and reveals to us what it looks like to live a life of thankfulness.

Latest Media - November 26, 2023

Rest for the Weary

3 Circles

3 Circles is a new tool to share the Gospel with those around us. Join us for this short series on the importance of the 3 Circles of God's Design, Brokenness, & The Gospel and how we can share the Good News of Jesus Christ in this way.

Latest Media - October 22, 2023

3 Circles: The Gospel

Does it Really Matter?

Many church goers know of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and even would tell you it's important for us, but many couldn't tell you why. This series walks through why the Gospel matters so that we can better apply it's truth to our lives and be eager to share that with others.

Latest Media - October 1, 2023

The Most Important Thing


Rubble & Redemption

We are all building something. Whether it's a name for ourselves, a platform, or just a successful life. But what makes the difference between a good structure that will stand the test of time and a bad structure that will wash away with the storms of life? Join us as we look at the answer Scripture gives us about this question.

Latest Media - September 3, 2023

Rubble & Redemption: Pt. 2

Family Matters

The family is a great gift that God has provided for us, yet the most attacked gift that God has provided us is the family. What does it look like for us to be in right relationship in all of our family dynamics? We'll look to Scripture in this series to answer this question.

Latest Media - July 9, 2023

Full House


James didn't always follow Jesus and obey His commands (like most siblings) until the miraculous happened. After the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, James wrote to the Church to encourage us to live life to the fullest by living like Christ. What foundations are required to live like Him? Join us on this journey as we discover these truths!

Latest Media - June 11, 2023

Final Instructions


Easter 2023: Made Alive

During the Easter season we remember the cross and the grave, but what is our view of them? Are they simply symbols of some historical or religious event, or do they mean something more to us today? Join us for Palm Sunday & Easter Sunday as we examine the cross and the grave and see that these symbols represent how we were dead in our sins, but made alive in Jesus Christ!

Latest Media - April 9, 2023

Made Alive

Into the Deep

God often calls us to do things we simply just don't want to do. So what do we do when He calls us to do those things? "Into the Deep" is a study in the Book of Jonah about what happens when God calls us into the deep and how we should respond.

Latest Media - March 19, 2023

What Truly Matters?


How can we continue to stand strong and grow in our faith in such a tumultuous time in history? Just like the mighty California Redwoods whose root systems join together to ensure each tree gets the right nutrients and support; God created the Church to do the same. To join together at the deepest part of who we are to spur each other on as we grow in our faith and weather the storms of life.

Latest Media - January 29, 2023

Rooted: The Result