Documents/Policies > Worldwide Mission >

Operation Christmas Child

Shoebox Instructions:

How to Pack Your Shoebox:
1) Acquire a shoebox from ABC or get a standard size shoebox to pack for a boy or girl (2-4 yrs, 5-9 yrs, or 10-14 yrs)
2) Start with a WOW toy - Doll, soccer ball or stuffed animal
3) Add Other Gifts - Fill with oter toys, hygiene items and school supplies
4) Pray - pray with your family about the child that will receive your box. You can include a person note and photo in the box.
5) Include $9 to ship your box. You can include $9 with your box when you turn it in or you can give online and Follow Your Box.
6) Drop Off at ABC during National Collection Week - 
November 18-25, 2019.